Yo-Yopoo, Yorkiedoodle, or Yorkie Poo, no matter by what name you identify it, Yorkie Poo is not a purebred as it is a crossbreed between the Yorkshire Terrier and a Miniature Poodle.
So, it looks 50% like Yorkshire Terrier and 50% like Miniature Poodle. Since it is raised via crossbreeding, it is quite difficult to foretell the exact outcome of the puppies.

Some of the offspring look totally like Yorkshire with similar features, while others look like a poodle having the same poodle features.
This means that not all Yorkie Poo breed will act or look alike. They will be different in their appearance and activities.
The cost of Yorkie Poo varies significantly depending upon several factors.
So, before looking for a Yorkie Poo sale, ensure to consider the below factors to calculate How Much Do Yorkie Poo Cost.
How Much Do a Yorkie Poo Cost You?
According to sources, the average cost of the Yorkie Poo puppy is anywhere between $400 and $1000, and the total cost of the breed depends on numerous factors like bloodline, parent’s history, colors, quality, age, geographical location, breeder and inclusions with adoption.
Moreover, the breeder with paperwork would charge you higher than the backyard breeders with minimal registration and paperwork.
When you are in the market, you will see terms like F1, F2, and F3 which indicates that F1 refers to 50% of Yorkie and 50% of Poodle, F2 refers to F1 Yorkie Poo and F1 Yorkie Poo, and the final F3 refers to F2 Yorkie Poo bred with Yorkie Poo.

So, the higher the number, the higher the amount would be. This means that you will be paying more for F3 bred than the F1 breed.
If you check online for a reputed breeder, you will find that the several Yorkie Poo listings comprise of varying price list that ranges anywhere from $350 to $900 and even more.
Is There Any Extra Cost Involved?
Yes, there are other costs involved, and this includes the transportation charges and others.
If you want your puppy to be shipped via airline or by road transport, you have to pay an extra amount of $200 to $400 for transportation.
When you are about to bring home a Yorkie Poo pup, you also need to keep other factors like the recurring cost of the dog.
This includes the cost of accessories, food, vet visits, dog sitting, grooming, obedience classes, and medications.
Regardless of the dog’s health, you may spend up to $600 extra and even more as a recurring cost of the dog.

How to Save Money on Yorkie Poo Purchasing?
If you are looking for pet quality Yorkie Poo for your home, then instead of spending more dollars with reputed breeders, you may prefer adopting it from the local shelter, which would be up to $200 cheaper for you.
Until you need a designer dog for shows and even, you may settle with shelters and local rescue Yorkie Poo which are the best option to save money on this dog.
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